When she's in Napa her main residence is in Chicago Ms. McGuire does almost all her eating and entertaining outside. 麦圭尔主要居住在芝加哥,当她来到纳帕溪谷时,她几乎总是在室外用餐并在室外招待宾客。
The palace ceased to be a main royal residence in1960. 这座宫殿自1960年起就不再是王室的主要住处了。
The Creole people is a developing modern nationality formed by white and black or other person of color live together, and the seychelles, which located in the Indian ocean, is a main place of residence for Creole people. 克里奥民族是由白人与黑人等有色人种相互混合而形成的新兴现代民族,而位于印度洋的塞舌尔群岛是克里奥民族主要居住地之一。
A bridge over the main street connected it to the king's private residence which Akhenaton shared with his queen, Nefertiti, and with their six daughters. 一座桥梁连接着主街道和国王与王后勒菲绨缇及他们的六个女儿居住的寝宫。
If the recipient does not have a main place of business; its habitual residence is the place of formation of the contract. 没有主营业地的,其经常居住地为合同成立的地点。
The two main requirements fixed residence and stable profession or income represent the orientation of reform. 两个主要条件固定住所和稳定的职业或收入是改革的一个方向。
The town or city of one's birth, rearing, or main residence. 家乡某人出生、成长和主要居住的城镇。
These characteristics can exist harmoniously with the common characteristics of Nantong plays the main role, reflecting the great inclusiveness of the folk residence of Nantong. 这些特色又能够在南通共有的特征统领下和谐并存,显示南通民居的巨大包容性。
The results showed that main factors affecting mass transfer coefficients were residence time and droplets size, and mass transfer coefficients increased with the reduction of residence time. 研究结果表明,在微尺度混合条件下,直接影响传质系数的因素是停留时间和液滴直径,传质系数随着停留时间的减小而增大。
Main Features of Residential Development in Shanghai Analysis of Development Pattern of Residence for Old Citizens 老年住宅开发模式分析
The main factors effecting on residence time distribution ( RTD) of solid particles and liquid phases in a standard stirred tank reactor are investigated for distinguishing two phases, and the sea sand and tap water are used as solid phase and liquid phase correspondingly. 本文以海沙和自来水为介质研究了在标准搅拌槽内影响固液两相停留时间分布的主要因素,以便比较两相之间的差异,并利用双区模型描述出口流体中固体和液体的停留时间分布。
Summary: Gelao is the main residence in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, in the multi-ethnic especially strong influence and impact of national background, political and economic suffering nation always in a weak position, the creation of tremendous national culture includes a rich aesthetic resources. 仡佬族是主要栖居于云贵高原,置身于多民族特别是强势民族影响和冲击的背景中,政治经济始终处于弱势地位的苦难民族,其创造的瑰丽的民族文化蕴涵了丰富的审美思想资源。
We draw the main conclusions as follows: Firstly, residence, food and traffic and communications are consumption hotspots for Jiangsu rural residents at present, but people put less attention to recreation, education and cultural services, clothing and medicine and medical services; 主要研究结论:第一,居住、食品和交通通讯是目前江苏农村居民的消费热点,但教育文化娱乐、衣着和医疗保健消费重视程度不足;
Cracks appeared in the Main structure members of an 8-storey commercial residence building and steel bars in some members corroded seriously. 某8层商住楼主要结构构件出现混凝土开裂现象,个别构件钢筋锈蚀情况较严重。
Modern residence lighting design is analyzed; The main points about the modern residence lighting design and the key problems are presented. 对现代住宅照明设计进行了分析,提供了住宅照明设计的要点,及灯饰的选择方面应注意的问题。
The author had drawn a existence scene that calamitous, ghosts and goblins run wild as the main image with hell, fire residence, the lines of nothingness, etc. 一方面以地狱、火宅、无物之阵等作为主要意象,绘制了一幅多灾多难、鬼魅横行的生存场景;
The main reasons were as follows: residence time of catalyst reduced with increasing space-time yield so that catalyst could not take full effect; 树脂灰分是催化剂的残留物,其增加的主要原因是:随空时收率的增加,催化剂在反应器内的停留时间缩短,使催化剂的活性不能充分发挥;
The main trend is that the higher temperature and longer residence time would contribute to the secondary reaction and the lower heating rate favors the carbonization, which both reduce the liquid production. 过低的温度和加热速率导致严重的碳化,同样会降低油产率,本实验的最高油产率可达63%。
The thesis introduces several main structural systems applying in steel structure residence, and their respective character get conclusion; 本文介绍了目前钢结构住宅采用的几种典型的结构体系,总结了各结构体系的受力特点及应用;
The brick Cave dwelling is one of the main residence ferms in vast villages at coalmine ateas in Shaanxi Province. 砖拱窑洞是陕西矿区广大农村的主要住宅形式之一。
We investigate and measure noises in the area, and find out main social activity noise ( crowd noise, residence renovation noise, establishment noise). 对该区域内的社会生活噪声源进行普查,同时进行该区域噪声环境监测,找出主要的社会生活噪声源(人群噪声、住宅装修噪声、公建设施噪声)。
Influence factors of exercise: the main factors are facilities deficiency, far from the residence and a lack of activity organization. 锻炼影响因素方面:场地设施缺乏,离居住地较远和缺少活动组织是影响苏州市年轻公务员参加锻炼的主要因素。
Chapter 6 summarizes the whole article and points out the main road of solar water heater application in our residence. 第六章总结全文,指出我国住宅中太阳能热水系统应用的重点方向。
The main purpose is to demonstrate the independent existence of residence right legally, and to find out the foundation in law. 主要目的是为居住权的独立存在进行法律上的论证,寻找法理的存在根据。
The main purpose is to clarify the basic concepts and basic theory related to residence, to provide a strong foundation for the following study. 主要的目的是对居住的相关基本概念、基础理论进行澄清,以为后续研究的开展提供扎实的基础。
Lastly, based on the situation and existent problems of Chengdu districts residence parking, and the main factors of local society that influenced residence parking, the author experimentally provide several different suggestions for residential parking of Chengdu. 最后,综合成都地区住区及住区静态交通现状及存在问题,以及本地区影响住区静态交通的几个主要因素,试验性的提出了关于住区静态交通的建议。
With the continuous urban progress and development, Commercial real-estate, which main functions include business, residence, office and hotel, emerges as a new type of architecture. 在城市不断的更新发展之中,商业地产作为现代化城市的一种开发类型出现,其主要功能组成包括商业、居住、办公、酒店等。
Wuxi traditional courtyard is the important component of Wuxi traditional local-style dwelling houses as well as the main living and activity space for local residence. 无锡传统民居的庭院空间作为无锡传统民居建筑的重要组成部分,是当地居民生活、活动的主要空间。
So, energy consumption has four elements: the main residence ( demand), time, energy use behavior space and living facilities. 因此,用能行为包含四个要素:居住主体(需求)、用能行为时间、用能行为空间及生活设施等。